
The Chino Basin Watermaster was established by the San Bernardino County Superior Court in January 1978. The purpose of the nine-member Board is to implement the 1978 Judgment and any subsequent Court Orders. The Board is supported by dedicated staff to carry out its duties.

Groundwater producers that own and operate water wells within the Chino Basin are represented in one of three Pool Committees depending on the associated type of water right. Representatives of the three Pool Committees (Agricultural, Non-Agricultural, and Appropriative) form the Advisory Committee. Members were either identified initially in the original 1978 Judgment, or were intervened during the years that followed. Intervention in the Judgment is required to pump water in Chino Basin.

Additional Information

More information on Chino Basin Watermaster can be found through the links below. Each link will provide information, and important documents where applicable, of its respective category.


To learn more about the organization's background and its history, click the button below.

Watermaster Board

For more information on the Watermaster Board and an introduction to each of the current nine-member Board, click below.

Advisory Committee

Information on the Advisory Committe including its current representatives, click below.

Pool Committees

Click below for Pooling Plans, Rules & Regulations, current representation, etc. for each of the three Pool Committees.


Meet the Chino Basin Watermaster staff and get to know each one of us by clicking the button below.


For an illustrative presentation of the interrelations among the Parties of the Chino Basin Watermaster, click below.